最近我才意識到, 我有多討厭新同事C夫人(female, straight)有意無意地
“輕撫”我的背部。特別是在我們之間有關工作對話告一段落。還有幾次冷不防地摸我一把, 在我壓抑地表達不滿後, 她以”只是覺得你的衣服fabric很特別”的藉口收場。……comma, those are MY FABRICS on ME!!!!!!
當然這其中也包括她被FIRE的今天。我要先聲明, 她被炒魷魚並不是因為摸我, 跟我一點關係也沒有。不過, 說是這麼說, 我還是暗暗地讚賞她的識貨。
今天驅使她手養是, oversized stripe tee from Neal by Neal Sperling collection。這是Neal Sperling X Urban Outfitters的limited edition。延續Neal Sperling S/S08的cozy, basic, edgy的風格—
light weight CVC jersey, see through stripes, loose fit draped, oversized cutting, heather grey colors。是一件very summery的罩衫式良品。laid on my skin with a gentle touch, pressure free and 100% comfy。重點是我以$9.99於UO on sale section購入
(sold out@ $4.99 from UO online shop)。
still few price-cut items from this collection are available at UO’s, move ur ass/mouse!
good luck with shopping, and oh, good luck with C夫人, too…
photos from nealsperling.com